Well I've been telling myself I'm going to start a blog for a long, long time. Unfortunately, life keeps happening around me and I never stopped to do what I wanted to do. I never slowed down long enough to make the time to create a place for the creative me to grow or maybe I avoided it out of fear that the creative me was long dead....but after months of following certain folks on Twitter who allow their creativity to flow unhindered, I finally took the leap. I know that inside me lies a writer, a creative spirit that longs to spin tales, create pictures with words and releash the emotions that lie buried deep within the confines of my heart and soul....so we shall see what happens...we will see if I truly do have it within me to write again to put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) and make something beautiful again.
The name of the blog is unusual...yes I realize that and honestly I'm not even sure that the two words can actually go together in that way, but they spoke to me....so there it is. Khairein means pleasure in Greek and Noesis means perceived by the mind, apprehended, thought about. Khairein Noesis - Pleasure Perceived by the Mind. Words are pleasure to me....alot of things bring me pleasure some simple and mundane...others complicated, intense and strongly erotic. I will be exploring them all here, seeking to find and dwell on those things that affect me the most....I hope that as time passes readers will find me and will join me on my journey to wherever it may take me.
My mind is a sea of words
Thoughts and meanderings
Swimming in the chaotic storm of my soul.
They toss and turn
Thrown this way and that
Fighting to reach the shore.
Battling my fears, my doubts
Certain if they can force past it all
I will make them into something concrete.
Something solid and permanent
Lasting and eternal
Something to read and remember.
I hope they are right.....for the journey begins now.